Make a Smile Donation

Dear members of the Javea Computer Club,

All of us at Make A Smile would like to thank you all for the wonderful donation of laptops and tablets for the children. We really appreciate the time and work that you have put in to restore these items so that the children can make use of them.
We are currently concentrating on home schooling to give the children in the homes a level playing field when it comes to access of on-line education so the computers will be most useful. We are also working towards providing work stations for each of the children where they can do homework and crafts in peace and quiet.
As you can imagine, it’s been a difficult year for the children and the carers having to spend so much time indoors. Most of the homes have 8-10 children so you can imagine the need for these items to help keep them occupied.
Once again, thank you all for supporting Make A Smile.
With kind regards,
Tony, Lucy and the Make A Smile team

11 Feb 2021