WhatsApp – 1 minute tips and tricks

Chris Betterton-Jones – Knowledge junkie

If you don’t know how to do these things with WhatsApp – then you should have come to our interactive workshop on 27th October!

Thanks to everyone who contributed and even acted as stooges in our experiments and demonstrations.

  • Broadcast the same message to more than one recipient (not in a group) – like bcc in e-mail.
  • Dictate a message
  • Record a message
  • Quickly search all your chats for a word or alternatively, search a specific chat.
  • Delete some or even all photos, GIFs, videos, messages or stickers from a particular chat.
  • Delete/clear all chats from a group in one go .
  • Set up a WhatsApp audio or video call with up to eight people at once.
  • Send your current location to a contact, so they know where you are.
  • Reply to a group message privately, so that the group doesn’t see your reply.
  • Mute a chat or group chat so that the notifications don’t “ding” all the time.
  • Move WhatsApp images and videos to an SD card to free up space in your phone’s internal storage.
  • Automatically back up your chats to Google Drive.
  • Create and delete a group.

Postscript – WhatsApp Security

There was a question about WhatsApp and phishing scams as a result of reporting in a BBC Radio 4 program (from 07.57). The case is also described in this Trading Standards website. The bottom line is that this incident occurred not through any security weakness in WhatsApp, but through social engineering. The WhatsApp guidelines about spam can be found here:
