Microsoft OneDrive – Saint or Sinner?

On Thursday 30th June 2022 Tom Stevenson explained the features of Microsoft One Drive to us. Below is the slide show content from this presentation/discussion.

What is OneDrive?

  • Cloud Storage
  • 5GB for free, pay for additional space
  • 1000 (6000) GB included with Microsoft 365
  • Integrated with Windows and Microsoft Office
  • And more to come


  • Released in 2007
  • Originally known as SkyDrive
  • 2011 Clients available for all major platforms
  • 2012 Added file synchronisation
  • 2012 Added Recycle bin………
  • 2019 Added Personal Vault


  • Requires a Microsoft account
  • How to get OneDrive
  • Adds a new folder named OneDrive labelled “OneDrive – Personal” under your user account
  • Adds a cloud icon to Taskbar corner   
  • Now browse Settings

Folder Back-up

  • Automatically synchronises Desktop, Documents and Pictures folders
  • This is very useful, but it is not a back-up!
  • Remember free version gives 5GB of storage space – how many pictures do you have?
  • And above all, remember that deleting it from OneDrive deletes it everywhere
  • Now browse Settings


  • OneDrive cloud storage is the control version
  • All devices sync from there
  • You can optionally keep a copy on device storage in addition
  • Files on Demand
  • Control speed of synchronisation
  • Microsoft Office options
  • Now browse Settings


  • Recipient(s) do not need a Microsoft account
  • You control the recipients’ ability to change your file(s)
  • Can share at folder or file level
  • Sort and View options
  • Can also Upload and Download (as .zip)
  • Now view OneDrive online

Personal Vault

  • Additional sign-in
  • Locks itself after 20 minutes of inactivity
  • Neat feature, extra sign-in a pain!
  • Look at Personal Vault

File Explorer

  • Icon to indicate status of folder/file
  • Not 100% reliable indicator
  • Can’t add a Personal Folder (what’s this?) under OneDrive
  • More customisation coming for File Explorer
  • Look at File Explorer (size on disk)

Wrap Up

  • Not considered mobile phones, tablets, Apple devices today
  • Apps exist (as far as I know) for all platforms
  • Benefits from speedy internet connection
  • Just don’t get yourself in the situation where you create a loop….