Club Internet

Apologies to everyone for the problems we have been having with the club internet, especially early on Monday mornings.

It seems likely that we have a poor quality internet connection from Blu/Populoos. To compound this, the other connection provided by the Dance Cafe was also from Blu/Populoos so that didnt help us. The Dance Cafe has now cancelled their contract so we only have our connection that we can use. We are actively investigating alternative ISPs including Swiss Cable but it is important that we get the right one.

Meanwhile we are doing the best with the connection that we have, but it is likely that we will continue to have problems for a little while, especially early on Mondays when a large number of devices arrive at the club and start syncing with the cloud. You might find that it helps if you put your laptops to sleep rather than switching them off completely, before coming to the club. Generally the internet is usable for everyone by about 11 am.

Meanwhile, please bear with us. We aim to have a good internet service restored as soon as possible.

Peter Bayliss