DAR Charity Quiz night – 6th June 2023

Fancy being part of a JCC Quiz-night team?

You don’t have to be a Mastermind – it´s just a bit of fun for charity, organised by the DAR Social & Community Centre.

You will probably have heard of the DAR centre, their aim is – to bring the wonderful expat and local community of Javea together, to provide a safe and entertaining space for all age groups, religions, interests and social pursuits. The Centre is partnered with DAR and DAR KIDS Associations, and 40% of the center’s turnover will be donated to this charity for helping those in need – families with autistic children, refugees, and all those who are less fortunate.

More details about the Quiz Night here https://www.javeaconnect.co.uk/champions-of-charity-night/

Let Margaret know if you would like to organise or be part of the JCC team on June 6th