Battling Spanish Bureaucracy

What information does the Ayuntamiento have about my property? How can I get a copy of my detailed IBI (Rates) bill? What is SUMA? How do I make an online Doctor’s appointment? Sue Bultitude and Morris show you how, with a word from Chris about digital signatures.

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Sorry…the information in the PDF file didn’t display properly. Here is the full listing.

On right hand side there are a number of coloured boxes,click on the Purple one CITA PREVIA (Prior appointment)
On the next window type in your SIP number in the first box and then your date of birth (day, month and year) (Fecha de nacimiento)
Scroll down and press the green box VALIDAR to continue.
A new window appears, click on PEDIR CITA (ask for appointment)
The next window shows your SIP number, your name and the clinic details.
Scroll down and click on green box SELECCIONAR SERVICIO (selection service)
The next window shows your SIP, Name, Centro(Clinic), Servicio(MEDICINA FAMILIAR) and a DATE (which you can change by clicking on it).
The next two boxes ask you to select a time period…..Desde (From)…..Hasta (Until).
Select a start TIME (Desde La hora HH:MM…eg. 09:00 )
Select an end TIME (Hasta La hora HH:MM…eg. 12:00 )
Scroll down and click on green box PEDIR CITA
You will now see your chosen date and a choice of 3 different appointment times . . . . if you do not want those times, go back and add the “hour” which you would like an appointment.
When a suitable appointment time is shown, click the circle on the left of it, and a black spot appears in that circle.
Scroll down to CONFIRMAR CITA (confirm appointment)
Screen shows the date and time and you press CONFIRMAR
Screen gives you the opportunity to print out if you wish – in which case scroll down and press IMPRIMIR.
Screen gives you the details to print out.
Remember that you can go back to the web site later if necessary and change/cancel your appointment.

Digital signature, or digital certificate (el certificado electrónico)

is basically a file that contains your personal identification data and it is used to identify citizens in the process of administrative interactions and operations with e-government offices such as Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria), Social Security Services (Seguridad Social), or Business Registers (Registros Mercantiles), among others. With its help you can modify your personal data stored in each corresponding service database, request, present or sign different applications or forms, ranging from tax declarations to various certificates and reports. Certain tax forms or documents can only be presented or requested through the  digital office.


This means that you can declare or pay your taxes, present appeals and claims, check existing traffic fines and pay them, request grants and scholarships – all this from the comfort of your home, with no need to make queues in government offices. The list of documents that can be presented or obtained through e-gov offices is enormous.

In Jávea go to the CREAMA offices (Portal del Clot) with your NIE, identification, passport etc.. They will help you complete a form and generate a long temporary code number for you. They will tell you which web site to visit to enter the code and download the software which will create the digital signature.


The latest system in Spain seems to be the Cl@ve
Cl@ve is an identification, Authentication and Electronic signature service for citizens shared by the whole State Public Administration Sector, and based on the use of set keys, pursuant to provisions of article 13.2.c) of Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on electronic access of citizens to public services and pursuant to European Regulation 910/2014 on Electronic Identity and Signature.
The main novelty included in the Cl@ve system is the possibility it offers to carry out electronic signature by using centralised digital certificates, that is, digital certificates stored and kept in custody by the General Government.
Said centralised certificates or “cloud-based certificates” allow the citizen to sign electronic documents from any device with Internet connection and no additional equipment.