Safe Mobile banking today

Below is the slide content from the presentation on 20 May 2021

Banking Payment types

BACS – Old UK interbank system BACS Direct Debit Direct Credit

SEPA – (Single Euro Payments Area) is a pan-European network that allows you to send and receive payments in euros (€) between two cross-border bank accounts in the eurozone

Open Banking – UK system to authorise direct access to your financial information possibly in several banks.

Contactless payments – cards with a RFID. No PIN or signature. Also mobile phone

Mobile Wallet – encrypted card(s) information stored in a mobile app. Use with RFID

P2P payment app. e.g BIZUM Send payment to individual in contact list.

Mobile banking – What are the Risks?

Unauthorised use of your login details.

Transactions being intercepted via the Wi-Fi

‘Shoulder surfing’ or via CCTV.

Loss or theft of your mobile device.

Visiting bogus banking websites, or downloading fake banking apps.

Revealing confidential details as a result of phishing.

Using a mobile app

Download the app from the official Google play store

Check the details of the app before downloading

Check the permissions it requests

Using your phone for mobile banking

Do not use Public Wi-Fi connections it’s safer to use your 3G or 4G connection.

Always remember to log out of your online banking session.

Use a good unlock PIN for your mobile. Don’t reveal this to anyone.

Choose your banking passwords and other memorable information with care

Install an antivirus app on your mobile.

Only download apps from an authorised store and check reviews and recommendations.

Keep your operating system and anti-virus software up-to-date.

Beware of phishing emails.

Take care not to leave your device unattended. Download a tracking app

Configure a text message to be sent every time a transaction occurs on your account.