Club re-opening Monday 24 May!

Here’s your Committee meeting in person for the first time in many, many months, checking out the premises for the re-opening of JCC on Monday 24 May

The Committee has agreed the following protocol for managing attendance
  1. Maximum allowed is 50% therefore 32 members including all helpers and bar staff
  2. Members will need to pre-book to attend
  3. Members to have had both vaccinations for everyone’s peace of mind
  4. Members returning from other countries to wait 10 days before attending
  5. Do not attend if you have symptoms of Covid or if you have been in contact with anyone who has been infected
  6. All attendees will be registered and once seated should not move about the room unnecessarily
  7. Drinks will be served at the tables
  8. Temperatures to be taken on entering
  9. Hands to be sanitised on entering
  10. Tables to be spaced 1.5 metres apart for 2 people, increased to 4 by agreement of others seated there
  11. Masks to be worn at all times except when drinking and especially when close help is being given
  12. if you become infected with Covid and have visited the Club at anytime in the days prior to being diagnosed you must let us know immediately – Margaret’s mobile: 699 206 826 Call, Text and WhatsApp