Google Keep explained

On Thursday 16th June 2022 our interactive session had a look at Google Keep.

Google Keep is arguably the best note keeping app for your phone/PC/iOS device

Notes are associated with your Google account in the cloud, but are still available offline.

The icon for the app is reminiscent of a  “sticky note” with a lightbulb

You can create a note from:

  • Simple keyboard input. E.g. typed text
  • Translated text input to the Google keyboard Gboard
  • Typed lists – with checkboxes e.g for shopping. List items can be nested or moved up and down the list using the six dot icon to the left of the item name.
  • Speech input
  • Handwriting e.g. Doodles
  • Shared website links 
  • An Image. Note that you can add notes to the image to record context
  • An image of handwriting can be converted to text

Notes can be used as reminders i.e. to pop up a notification at a particular or recurring date or time

Notes can be shared with collaborators who have a google account, ie. both or all collaborators can see and update a shared note

Keep notes can be organised by

  • Pinning selected notes to the top of your memo board
  • grouping similar notes using tags
  • Selecting background colours or images

For more advanced processing, Keep notes can be added to a Google Doc. ( From the menu or by dragging)

Most of the participants were surprised at the wide range of different ways that Google Keep can be used to take notes.

If you would like more information, why not pop in to the club and ask one of our helpers?