Members living alone – safeguarding

We became concerned recently about a member who lives alone and who we couldn’t get in touch with by phone or email. We realised we did not have all the information we needed to check out the situation

The Committee have discussed how we can better help in future.

We propose that any member who lives alone and wishes to, can give us a contact that we can get in touch with should we be concerned about a member and we haven’t been able to get in touch with them.

This contact would be someone who is in regular contact with you and would know if anything was amiss or not.

We also need to know your address in these circumstances and its precise location if it’s hard to find using online maps.

This arrangement is purely voluntary and any details given will of course be subject to GDPR requirements and only made available to nominated Committee members.

If you are living alone and would like us to be able to check on you if necessary please let Margaret know so we can add the required details to your entry in the membership list.
