Javea Housing Market by Jo Ivory

On Thursday 23 May we were treated to a very informative and an thought provoking presentation by Jo who is the owner of Javea Home Finders, Estate Agency.

We learned that there was an industry accepted 18 year cycle in housing markets where home ownership is a prevalent. This cycle is typically a rise and fall one with peaks and troughs but always generally ending higher than it started.

The market for sellers is buoyant at the moment with most of them being English with the Dutch not far behind. We also learned that the average age for buyers is now 53 – something that we commented was interesting to us in terms of our membership. Many of these will be IT savvy so not quite so much in need of what we offer – food for thought for your Committee!!

One point we all latched onto was that the market is rising at the moment so a good time to sell if that’s your plan but the 18 year cycle model means that won’t last for ever so it might be ‘make up your mind’ time!

We are very grateful to Jo for such an interesting talk and we look forward to her giving us an update when she has time. Well done and thanks!