A request and some news

When we had more space at the club we were able to keep a stock of useful odds and ends which could be used to help our members. We used to have a small 35mm slide scanner which either disappeared in the move or is currently out on loan. It didn’t get used often but last week we had two members wanting to scan their slides. If any member either has the scanner or can help, could they please let us know.

Windoze news

We all know that operating system updates are supposed to prevent bad things happening. This month Microsoft “accidentally” issued an update that caused some dual boot computers from starting up.

Microsoft also announced the final death knell for the Control Panel in Windows 11, leaving all users to the vagaries of the Settings screens

There is no new news about Windows 10 end of life. Microsoft evidently still expect the one Billion odd Windows 10 users to either buy a new computer or perhaps pay Microsoft for security updates after October next year.


This week is the last week of August so we are open Monday and Thursday and we are planning to get back to our full schedule in September. See next weeks newsletter for more news.