
Web Sites to get Creative with

Websites to get creative with – design it, download it, print it, share it ! Chris BJ demonstrates a number of websites where you can design,share and print personalised fun photos, greetings cards, calendars etc. […]
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Available SIGS

Apple Users and Smartphone Groups now available on Mondays and Tuesdays

Genealogy Help

The JCC Genealogy Group has a number of experienced members who are more than happy to help out where they can and our weekly meetings are a friendly social gathering for like minded researchers. We meet on Tuesday mornings and operate as a self help group; for example, if you have hit a brickwall in your research you will find an opportunity to discuss it with others to see if any new ideas/suggestions can be made, or if you prefer you can come along and concentrate on your own research, using your personal laptop or one of the club’s computers. […]

Photography in the Digital Age.

Photography enthusiast Steven Staus reviews the astounding advances in digital photography over the past few years, and argues that theres not much future for dedicated cameras ..phones can take great photos even with those tiny […]

Beat the Bureaucracy

What information does the Ayuntamiento have about my property? How can I get a copy of my detailed IBI (Rates) bill? What is SUMA? How do I make an online Doctor’s appointment?

Google Assistant

There are many ‘assistants’ available. This week our Gurus will explain the virtues of the Google version. It’s translator is especially useful.

AGM Thurs. 13th Feb.

The AGM of Javea Computer Club will be held in the Club on Thursday Feb 13th at 10.00