Jávea Computer Club is a long standing social association located in the Spanish Northern Costa Blanca where members meet to discuss and resolve problems in using a wide range of computing devices.
If you have any questions about technology, JCC is the place to come.

The Club is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings each week from 9.45am to 12.30pm with a bar for members to purchase hot and cold drinks. Tuesday mornings are reserved for help by appointment only and for specialist groups. On Thursdays we get together for presentations on topics of general interest.
Our helpers and members have a wide range of experience of home technology, including Windows, Apple, Android and Linux.
Members have access to help and general social media interaction via our email and WhatsApp groups and Facebook.
We issue a newsletter every week on a Sunday to all members advertising the forthcoming presentation and announcing any other important news.
We also accept donations of money or devices which are used for charity giving. The devices are refurbished and either made available to members for a donation to charity or given directly to Make a Smile who support children in care in our region.
For 2023 the annual membership fee is 35€ which includes the use of all of our facilities.
Club Facilities
We meet in the Jávea School of Bridge premises in Centro La Plaza, c/ Cabo La Nao 122, 03730 Jávea.
The Club has a superfast Broadband Wireless Internet connection. We also have all the equipment needed for presentations and helping members with their devices and problems using them.
Wheelchair Access – Please contact us for access arrangements.
Club History
The club was founded in 1985 and has been providing help and support in the Marina Alta as the technology has evolved since that time. See the report about its foundation here.
Charity donations
In the past, the Club has supported a number of different Charities and details of donations made can be seen here. See above under Activities for more details.
We are currently supporting Todos Juntos Javea with donations of money collected.
We do our best to help with any problems with members’ devices presented at the club. We will tell you if your issue is beyond our capability/expertise and advise where you can go to get the professional help you need.
The Club cannot be held liable for any loss or damage to equipment or individuals resulting from club activities.
Our Data Protection Policy can be seen here.
The Club is a registered organisation (NIF: G03768496) formed in 1986 (more info here), governed by Statutes click to read them.
Annual General Meetings
The Minutes of the last AGM held in February 2022 (as well as those of earlier years) can be found here.
Committee Meetings
The Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Club Room and welcomes any questions or comments from members. Ideas for development of Club activities, presentations or workshops are particularly welcome.